Please note that this office DOES NOT collect taxes. Please contact the RECEIVER OF TAXES (914-939-3558) for taxes and tax billing information, including when taxes are due.
The Assessor is the official who estimates the value of real property, which is converted into an assessment (one component in the calculation of real property taxes).
It is the responsibility of the Assessor to maintain a fair and equitable assessment roll, the document which lists all properties and their assessments within an assessing district. It also lists a property's exemption(s), if any.
The assessment office processes all exemption applications, including basic STAR (School Tax Relief), Enhanced STAR, Senior Citizen, Veterans, Persons with Disabilities, Non-Profits, Clergy, etc. For more information, please see the Exemptions tab.
For more information about the job of the Assessor, please visit the NY State Department of Taxation and Finance's 11-minute YouTube video entitled, "The Job of an Assessor." Their 4-minute video, "About Property Taxes and Assessments," provides a good overview of property taxes and assessments. (links below)
The current assessment roll is available for public review and can be found on the Town's Home Page, as well as in the Assessor's office. Links to a copy of the current assessment roll can be found in the Assessment Rolls tab on these Assessor webpages.
NYS Tax Dept:
The Job of an Assessor (11 minute video)
About Property Taxes & Assessments ( 4 minute video)
MAY 1st - Taxable Status Date / Exemption Filing Deadline
JULY 1st (of prior year) - Valuation Date (for example, July 1, 2013 is the Valuation Date for the 2014 assessment roll)
JUNE 1st - Tentative Assessment Roll Published
3rd TUESDAY IN JUNE - Grievance Day
SEPTEMBER 15TH - Final Assessment Roll Published
For a more detailed explanation of the above dates and important events in the annual real property assessment cycle, please visit the NYS Department of Tax and Finance's,
Rye Town Office
222 Grace Church Street, 3rd Floor
Port Chester, NY 10573